July 7, 2024

New York to commence out-of-competition testing in 2010

Last updated: 12/30/09 11:50 AM

As part of a major new push for greater integrity in racing, the New York
State Racing and Wagering Board, effective Friday, will be authorized to conduct
unannounced drug testing of horses slated to compete at New York tracks even
when they are stabled at farms away from those tracks.

Racing and Wagering Board Chairman John D. Sabini said the new
“out-of-competition” rules apply to all horses within 180 days of a race date in
New York. The rules, he explained, empower the Board to direct licensed owners
or trainers to bring horses to New York tracks for testing when those horses are
being stabled out of state within a 100-mile radius of a New York racetrack.

“Horses are sometimes drugged by unscrupulous individuals seeking to either
strengthen or weaken their performance in the next race,” Sabini said. “These
new rules give us the tools we need to go after the cheaters. By adopting
out-of-competition testing rules, the Board is protecting not only the wagering
public but also the health and safety of the magnificent equine athletes who
compete at New York’s four Thoroughbred and seven harness tracks.”

Under the rules, the Racing and Wagering Board can place owners and trainers
on notice that it wants to have its veterinarian take samples from horses
wherever they are being kept. A trainer or owner who fails to comply with the
Board’s out-of-competition rules can face serious sanctions, including lengthy
suspensions, fines and possible, license revocation, Sabini noted.

If a horse is not made available for testing in a timely manner when a
trainer or owner is directed to do so by the state Steward or the Board’s
representatives, that horse can be declared ineligible from participation for
120 days. Sabini said the Board will be working closely with racing officials in
neighboring states to coordinate testing efforts.

“The overwhelming majority of owners and trainers are meticulous in abiding
by our medication rules — but there are some who deviate and apparently believe
they can lessen their chances of getting caught by drugging a horse away from
the tracks,” Chairman Sabini said. “Anyone who flouts are rules will inevitably
find out the hard way that we are very serious in promoting integrity in racing.
By introducing an element of surprise, we are sending a loud and clear message
that we have zero tolerance for cheating.”

The new rules apply to both Thoroughbred and Standardbred race horses. New
York has a total of four Thoroughbred tracks and seven harness tracks, all of
which are regulated by the Racing and Wagering Board.

Prohibited substances that will be tested for include: blood-doping agents;
gene-doping agents; and protein and peptide-based drugs, including toxins and